Earn JM every day by providing energy
You can help other people and our ecosystem by providing us energy for this system.
If you freeze energy for our wallet address linked to this system you will automatically earn 0.3 JM per day per 1 TRX frozen.
Just freeze energy to following address: TSJcv2QH5Td9gSyXjWNxw5DAKk5ujJ3mFM and you will automatically start receiving the rewards daily to the same address where you froze TRX from. We might adjust the rate of distributed JM depending on the energy we have there in total. If we see that we have excessive amounts of energy available at most times which is not utilized, we might adjust the rate of distributed JM per TRX.
Our system will only pay rewards for those that freeze over 5000 TRX for energy. Also the payments are capped to 500k TRX size of freeze per wallet. So if you freeze over 500k for energy you would be paid rewards for 500k TRX frozen value
Last updated